You are required to create a 16-page zine centred on a chosen theme. You may create the zine in any format, provided it links with your concept and rationale. You may use any design and/or illustration style to create your zine, provided the images you use are your own. Whereas you may use found imagery in the research components of this project, any other elements that you use in your final design needs to be generated by yourself.

My theme is PHYSCE – “a journey into my mind”
I will be exploring my conscious (emotions and feelings), sub- conscious (immediate responses), my insatiable thoughts (deepest desires), my soul(my identity), my semi- conscious (hallucinations), my un-conscious (memories), my pre-conscious (repressed emotions) and my imagined self. I will be exposing obvious topics such as my fears, desires, beliefs and dreams.

I personally don’t think we ever stop learning about ourselves, throughout making this zine, I am excited to discover new things about myself and share this with others. It is so empowering to tap into one’s mind and figure out what is going on and really try understand ones emotions.
I was fearful of this topic as it is very vulnerable and “naked” but my fear in this instance is also my power. I want women to feel that it is okay to be unhappy or imperfect sometimes, society puts such pressure on women to be perfect - to me it’s just not realistic. There are some days that I don’t want to get out of bed and others, where I feel like I can conquer the world.
My zine will encapsulate all my raw emotions as they are, I will not be scared to expose the truth. Hopefully my confidence and vulnerability will give other women the voice, ability and platform to do the same. Living in such a judgemental/material society our minds are naturally confined and restricted without us even knowing so, my hope is to create a platform that allows complete free expression. My zines key ideas are SELF – DISCOVERY and SELF – ACCEPTANCE.

Target Audience
Women on a journey of self-discovery/ women going through hardships - who need a creative, safe platform to vent their emotions whilst accepting them.
I want my zine to speak to women who are struggling to place and understand their feelings and emotions. I feel that this zine could really help women explore their feelings in a safe place, sometimes sharing your feelings in any form takes half the worry off you, and I really hope this zine can do that for them.
I want my zine to be honest and raw, there will be no filters, cover ups or mistakes, as any emotion expressed is ever unjust or wrong - it will simply be an expression of how we feel, what we are thinking and really allow women to tap into their own minds.
The objective of my zine, is to help women open up and release their emotions in a safe and creative environment which is free of judgment. I want it to give women the ability to discover and accept themselves.

My key message would be: SELF – DISCOVERY and SELF – ACCEPTANCE.
Finished Zine 
Whole Zine (overall look)
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