ACHIEVEMENT –International finalist in the Transparency Art and Design competition 2017.

“Transparency is necessary for a vital democracy and an efficient economy. It ensures the citizen's influence in society." The competition was launched in January 2017 to all artists, architects and designers in Fashion, Interior Design, Jewellery, including Graphic communication. The theme Transparency is aimed at stimulating creative dialogue in various formats across disciplines on a national level. Creatives individuals were invited to explore concepts and creative ideas that are expressive of the competition theme.

My concept is based on the hybridity of time and transparency. I used common terms such as time and honesty so that this would be internationally recognised and understood.
Time gives off a sense of urgency and helps people understand how urgent the matter is. 
To be “Honest” is to quiet literally be transparent .
My hourglass represents our / any country running out of time, how much longer will we wait to be honest and transparent ?  as ” every second counts”.
The hourglass also represents inevitability and how we can’t ignore the dishonesty and secrets in our nation any longer because if we do then nature will take its course so “be honest and be transparent”. For the hope of a better tomorrow, be honest and transparent. My poster is both transparent in a literal and figurative way. The hourglass is literally transparent and shows time, figuratively the sand represents everyone and how we all are wasting time. My poster speaks to the hybridity of transparency and time and how time is of essence.  
Transparency Art & Design competition - poster design 
My poster design was selected as a finalist and exhibited as seen below
Other poster versions
Final poster concept 
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