To design the packaging for a baking kit targeted to young children to introduce them to the joys of baking. Your ‘starter’ kit should contain all the food ingredients required to make cupcakes as well as clear instructions for the child to follow (with adult supervision). You may use an existing brand or create a new one for your baking products.

I created a new brand named – “OH MY CUP”, which is a cute and compact baking kit that makes up to 5 cupcakes. Available in 3 delicious flavours, blueberry, strawberry and chocolate, this product is also lactose free, gluten free as well as eco and vegan friendly. As a result, OH MY CUP is both a better nutritional and healthier
 option for family fun baking time.
The unique and fun packaging revolves around the idea of a personalised bonding experience, such as 'mommy and me time' for example, and gives the customer a luxury option of buying all 3 flavours without overindulging. The handle and portability makes the buyer feel as if they are taking home an actual cupcake or an exciting gift with delicious goodies inside. The packaging is very versatile as you can use this box to carry around your cupcakes once made or more exciting - as a lunch box for school time (reduce, reuse, recycle).
So many children are diagnosed with dietary allergies, OH MY CUP is the answer to a completely GUILT FREE option. As parents and caregivers you can finally enjoy scrumptious baked goods which are no longer harmful to their kids health.
The box will be made out of a material called hessian which is both compostable and biodegradable. Contributing to a better future for all the precious children out there. OH MY CUP baking kit recognises the importance in quality over quantity. It respects the future of our children as well as the environment as a whole by being both VEGAN AND ECO-FRIENDLY.

Hessian Packaging Solution
Over time, hessian jute fabric is incorporated into the earth, making it convenient and easy to use. Because of its durability, hessian is also highly reusable. The strength of the hessian jute fibres means that the fabric does not easily tear or stretch, and keeps its strength even after being wetted and dried repeatedly. A single sack made of hessian jute can be used repeatedly after its initial job is completed. This lowers costs and contributes to a more efficient environment.

Sell line
An eco-friendly and personalised bonding experience shaped into a cupcake kit ! Portability and sustainability is key, this Hessian box is Compostable and Biodegradable. A lunch box, friend and experience all in one.
Logo Design Blueberry
Logo Design Chocolate
Logo Design Strawberry
Blueberry Monster
Strawberry Monster 
Chocolate Monster
Branding - Blueberry Cupcake Kit 
Branding - Blueberry Cupcake Kit 
Branding - Blueberry Cupcake Kit 
Packaged - Chocolate Cupcake Kit 
Packaged - Strawberry Cupcake Kit 
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