Create a brand and corporate identity for a music company that is named next note.

My concept for Next Note is to encapsulate the feeling when you go to a music festival. It’s a mind-blowing sensation that makes you forget or care about anything around you. All that matters in that moment is the music and how it makes you feel.
My logo is simple and to the point, it shows how music affects the different parts of your brain and gives you a mind blowing sensation. (music takes you to the next level).
My business card and letterhead both have the same design element that comes in, it is a geometric strand of DNA/memory from your brain which music affects and touches when you listen to it. In the front my catalogue there is a delicate strand of “memory” and as it progresses to the back it becomes bolder and more colourful which is the same affect that music has on the brain.
The Peach colours I’ve used represents immortality and how Next Note is a continuum and will never die out. It makes the identity immediately seem permanent and ongoing, always alive and relevant. The Dark Purple represents many factors, I want my design to portray (creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence) but the one key word that’s most significant is Magic! the feeling you get when you at a festival is indescribable to someone and just pure magic!! The pastel green represents freshness, reliability, harmony, environment which is always a popular trend and your well – being which is key as music is truly a remedy and cure for the soul.
Letterhead, Business card, Phone app, Envelopes, CD and Online Catalogue 
Physical & Digital Catalogue
Outdoor Signage 
Promotional material - Take away Coffee for the office
Promotional material - Clothing 
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