To design an album cover on any existing artist or band.

I choose an Indie band which consists of a brother and sister (Angus & Julia Stone). I wanted to show how these siblings decided to peruse their careers together and walk through life together. They have an unbreakable bond, as they have grown up together, I showed this by taking a photograph of a male and female toddler, in representation of them when they were young and growing up side by side, it’s all based on the idea of reminiscing and how they were holdings hands and taking care of one another in the past, and now continue to do so many years later. The vintage and hand written quality all ties in with the idea of “ revisiting the past and reminiscing”.
Angus and Julia Stone Indie Music Album Cover 
Pick a movie and design a poster based on the movie.

To show a women bare naked the way that Mr Grey prepares his “submissives” (loose braid, hands tied with rope). The poster is very minimal as I wanted the photography to speak for itself. The no colour decision and only having black and white ties in with Mr Greys dark past and fragile temper, it also exuded a sense of wealth, status and elegance which are all things Mr Grey lives by and perpetuates.
Fifty Shades Of Grey - Movie Poster - Outdoor 

Fifty Shades Of Grey - Movie Poster - Indoor Mall 
Flat Design of the Movie Poster
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