Collaborative project based on the theatrical production of African Gothic, task was to create all media and advertising for this production and to promote it in any way chosen. 

My chosen theme was distortion, which relates directly to African gothic. Embracing the dark nature of the play and its lifeless quality. They key in my theme is to draw on the audience by pulling them in and making them “apart of this world”.
The main character is Sussie, I decided to look at the physco side of Sussie where she constantly hears her mother’s voice in her head. I wanted to show people how confused she is and how she actually doesn’t know who she is.
My poster design draws on the cultural element of the Afrikaans and the koi sand. Sussie speaks about her mom slaughtering animals and they don’t only slaughter animals but humans to hence the merge of an animal head and human body. The eyes used on the programme draws people, the invite shows how African Gothic has many layers “like an onion” and when you watch the production all these layers are exposed (incest, murder).
The question lies in was Sussie “herself” when making decisions and committing murder or is she “her mother” in her head when she commits these vulgar acts, does that somehow soothe her and make her feel like what she’s doing is acceptable ? Sussie has a very weird nature that automatically makes you feel uncomfortable, I portray the same feeling with my advertising , I want to make the viewer feel just as uncomfortable and confused as Sussie, is. This technique immediately stimulates questions and thus draws people in.
Branding tags 
Final poster design
Programme Front cover
Programme Back cover 
Poster in Outdoor & Indoor Advertisements 
Other poster version 
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